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Eagle County Smiles

Eagle County Grins

Eagle County Moves

Other Resources


Do You Need Insurance Assistance? MFHC has certified assisters to help facilitate this transition. Meet with the Outreach & Enrollment Department to begin your renewal process, apply for a plan on Connect for Health Colorado, or simply get your questions answered. You may contact them by emailing EnrollmentHelp@mountainfamily.org or calling (833) 273-6627.


Have you checked if you are eligible for FAMLI? 

FAMLI is paid leave for up to 12 weeks. It ensures Colorado workers have access to paid leave when life circumstances force them to choose between earning a paycheck and taking care of themselves or their families. Eligible employees may receive up to twelve weeks of paid leave.

Please check this website to see if you are eligible before completing this application.  


The Community Market provides barrier-free access to FREE healthy food in the Eagle Valley of Colorado. Eagle Valley Community Foundation addresses issues around food insecurity, food waste and sustainability in our community through The Community Market (TCM). TCM provides access to free, nutrient-rich food throughout Eagle County. Established in 2018 as a scalable food security system that responds to immediate and long-term food insecurity needs, all customers are afforded barrier-free access to groceries of their own choosing. Our markets feature a variety of fresh produce, dairy and bread as well as shelf-stable grocery items.  We are a force for change in our community, based on the three critical pillars of healthy people, strong communities and environmental sustainability. Click here for more information.


RECONNECTED is a nonprofit recovery community organization dedicated to providing peer support services, social events, community education, and ending the stigma surrounding addiction. Our mission is to empower individuals in recovery by fostering a sense of community and connection, promoting education and awareness, and advocating for change: https://reconnected.org/

A Way Out provides individuals and families in crisis with drugs and alcohol access to treatment and recovery support: https://awayout.org/


Vail Health provides financial assistance to uninsured patients who do not have sufficient resources to pay for services and is compliant with Colorado Hospital Discount Care bill (HB-21-1198). Financial assistance is provided on a sliding scale to uninsured Individuals with an annual household income up to 550% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and insured patients up to 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. Furthermore, the Vail Health Patient Assistance Fund is available to Eagle County patients and their families who display a genuine need for financial support to help minimize financial burdens resulting from a medical condition. In addition to helping patients apply for financial assistance from Vail Health, our bilingual financial counselors can refer patients to charitable and government-sponsored financial assistance programs. To learn more, email or financialassistance@vailhealth.org or call 970-477-3116.


A local non-profit that provides swift financial assistance to Eagle County residents for living and personal expenses during times of crisis or hardship. Swift Eagle gives grants for personal and living expenses to people in crisis or hardship situations. Applicants must be Eagle County residents for a minimum of one year to qualify for a grant. For more information, email info@swifteagle.org.


The Colorado Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors, and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. LEAP accepts applications between November and April. If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. To learn more and apply, click HERE.